Leadership that puts Bend’s priorities first.
I’m Jason Kropf and I am asking for your vote for State Representative of House District 54.
My daughter was born here in Bend and is the fifth generation in my family to call Oregon home.
I love our community, and that’s why I’ve committed my life to serving it.
I first ran because, as a father of a daughter attending Bend-La Pine schools, I knew our students deserved a stronger voice in Salem.
I’m seeking reelection to keep fighting for our working families and for a prosperous future for our region’s economy.
Our community needs a representative willing to fight for our priorities.
I’m running because I Believe:
Our students deserve the best schools we can give them. Let’s ensure that every student has access to school counselors, nurses, librarians, and small class sizes.
Our prosperity as a region depends on the availability of quality, affordable housing. Too many of our neighbors are struggling to keep a roof over their heads, and we need to to attack this crisis from every angle.
Our families need a fair shot at building a great life. I will fight to keep costs down and help working families and small businesses thrive.
All should have a safe place to call home. Let’s tackle the homelessness crisis head on, with transitional housing, wraparound services, and increased housing availability.
Every Oregonian should have quality, affordable, accessible health care. I will fight to bring premiums and medication costs down, increase senior care options, and protect reproductive freedom.
Our future depends on addressing climate change. Bend and our surrounding area is the absolute best place to live in Oregon. Maybe the world. But it won’t stay that way if we don’t do everything we can to protect it.
Together, let’s tackle the big challenges— from affordable housing, to education, health care, workforce development and sustainability of our natural resources.
We Trust Jason on Education
“Jason is a trusted advocate for youth and their families in our community. I know Jason will fight for every student to have a bright future by removing barriers and ensuring access to the opportunities provided by high-quality education.”
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If you have any questions, please contact us at info@jasonkropfforbend.com.